
News, updates, and meaningful insights from the MBK Search team.

25 April 2024
The FTC's rule on non-competes: What you need to know
The FTC issued a final rule that alters the landscape for non-compete agreements in the USA. Here's MBK Search's guide to the new rule.
24 April 2024
The FTC's rule on non-competes: What you need to know
The FTC issued a final rule that alters the landscape for non-compete agreements in the USA. Here's MBK Search's guide to the new rule.
15 April 2024
Supreme Court's Omissions Ruling—What it Means for GRC Professionals
Shareholders can't sue a company for remaining silent on risks or trends that might have a material impact on its business, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled. What impact will this have on GRC professionals?
10 November 2023
Key points in the Federal Reserve's November Supervision and Regulation Report
Federal regulators are turning up the heat on big banks, proposing an array of tougher capital, debt, and operational standards.
2 November 2023
SEC rule changes are driving a race for compliance talent
Enhanced regulation of private funds is fueling competition for compliance professionals. In the latest edition of our webcast, MBK Talks, marketing director Michael Oliver interviewed MBK Search’s chief executive officer Spencer Knibbe, to find out how firms should prepare for the new regime.
12 September 2023
Why contractors are hot in financial services right now
With growing interest from regulators, the financial services industry is eager to find short-term talent. In this week's edition of Top of Book, we speak with MBK Search CEO Spencer Knibbe, who explains why hiring interim GRC talent is more appealing than ever.
24 May 2023
How should banks and auditors get along?
There are concerns that internal audit has become an extension of the regulator, which isn’t healthy for internal audit’s mission. Stephanie Baxter explores the challenges and what improvements are needed.
15 May 2023
Remote control: Why the push for onsite work isn't moving GRC workers
As some financial services firms force employees to return to the office full-time, many in GRC are resisting. Can an industry determined to get people back on site unring the remote bell?
4 May 2023
Jan Triani joins MBK Search as Managing Director of Med Tech
MBK Search is excited to announce that Jan Triani has joined the company as its new Managing Director of Med Tech.
16 March 2023
Silicon Valley Bank model not broken, but needs refinement
Opinion: As we consider broader market implications, it’s important to note that SVB carries a fraction of the systemic risk as Lehman Brothers. However, we are in a different social environment, and bank runs are mostly a human psyche problem.  